Saturday, December 17, 2011

A note to fans

Thanks, Johnson Tyler for speaking of us on Roz's blog. Personally meeting a fan is just a delightful experience. Also, Mr. Tyler, lets not forget to be nice and kind. Next time we get to catch p with you again, I would LOVE to hear about your trip from africa. Also, Roz, if you ever visit this blog, I apologize for any rudeness that might be displayed here. All we want is to voice our opinions about bravery. Also Ms. Savage, We would love to catch up with you in person sometime. I have a skype and a facetime so if you are rowing the ocean again, we can still chat via wifi. Also, how is your movie eat pray row? Heard the news and wanted to see if that was still in progress.

-♥- Ariana and Arabella